LVA picture
Luangwa Valley Apostolate
Catholic Diocese of Chipata
LVA picture


The following documents have been part of the LVA discussions. You too are invited to take part! (Note: answers to the questionaires are only available in the restricted section).

Bishops George Lungu Founding Guidelines

Bishop George Lungu - 2008 - The Evangelising Mission to the Luangwa Valley.pdf (350.76 KB)

Bishop George Lungu - 2018 - After 10 Years - The Evangelising Mission to the Luangwa Valley.pdf (337.82 KB)

Research publications

Christianity in the Luangwa Valley.pdf (25.38 MB)

Udelhoven, Bernhard. (2006). Christianity in the Luangwa Valley: Where Faith and Culture Meet or Don't Meet. Lusaka: FENZA

Domestic Morality.pdf (696.36 KB)

Udelhoven, Bernhard. (2022). Domestic Morality, "Traditional Dogma”, and Christianity in a Rural Zambian Community", Zambia Social Science Journal, Vol. 8, No. 1, Article 2. Available at

Pastoral suggestions

A parish based response to witchcraft and witchfinding.pdf (207.64 KB)

Dealing with Mashawe Spirits (2007).pdf (250.65 KB)

From what to be delivered.pdf (403.73 KB)

Diary Writing

Diary writing.pdf (244.07 KB)

diary template JPIC.pdf (74.41 KB)

diary template mbumba.pdf (79.4 KB)

diary template pastoral agents.pdf (119.66 KB)

Core Group Meetings

Core Group Meetings - questions about marriage and family life.pdf (115.43 KB)

Core Group Meetings - questions on witchcraft (Nyanja).pdf (127.14 KB)

Core Group Meetings - questions on witchcraft.pdf (150.61 KB)


catechumate syllabus proposal for the LVA.pdf (210.94 KB)